Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Five: Wild Animal Edition

Mompriest has a family of bobcats living on the roof of the house across the street from her. For this week's Friday Five, she invites us to share our own wild animal story.

I don't have anything as exciting as bobcats, but I have come across some cool animals on hikes and/or bike rides. So here are my 5 Close Encounters of the Animal Kind:

While on a bike ride I have come across an eagle...

...and a coyote:

While hiking I have come across this deer...

...and this fish. (The hike went by an area where there was a 'viewing area' in the stream.)

I don't have my own picture of this one, but years ago in Montana while on my way to Park Lake I came across a moose!

(picture from here)


Rev Kim said...

Great pics! I love moose!

Terri said...

Fabulous photos....thanks!

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

oh... your moose looked better than the one we saw on vacay. she'd been hit on the highway... not pretty at all. (orgeon drivers!)

Diane M. Roth said...

I love love love your pictures. Just wanted to stop by before the laptop goes into the "shop."