Last night in Bellingham at WWU, I had the opportunity to see #1 offspring in a one act play. (She was wonderful I might add!) The production was an edited version of Information for Foreigners, a politically conscious play by Argentine playwright Griselda Gambara. This work was penned (or typed!) in the early 70's to address specific problems in Argentina, but it really applies to the larger issue of government-sponsored terrorism in whatever country that might occur.
Both farcical and disturbing, Information for Foreigners seriously messes with your head as it uses symbols of refined culture such as music and theater to juxtapose civility and barbarism. I found the play complex, compelling, and emotionally demanding. When it ended, one of #1 offspring's friends (who happened to be across the aisle from me) stammered "What just happened?!" She had the look of someone who had just come through a wind tunnel.
It was the "Huh?" factor, but in a good way.
I love plays, books, music, etc. that stretch me and force me to think about things. Granted sometimes "fluffy" fare is therapeutic in its easiness and comfort, but the real growth occurs when I am stretched. (This play was a perfect example of that!) And, the same is true in the theo realm. I think the best things tend to happen when one gets outside of the comfort zone.
picture above is: Juxtapose IV by Salvador Luca
1 comment:
Good thoughts Barb. Theatre can definnitely spark theological reflection.
I went to Edmonds Community College production of Thornton Wilder's "Our Town" (set in early 1900's) yesterday ... which could easily be re-set as "Our church" (set in early 2000's) ...
history repeats itself ... scriptures tell how God's people over and over again forget that it's not "our" anything ... yet we still think it's "our town" and "our church" .... and ... yikes!... "our God"
Praise God for God's uneneding grace and mercy!
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