Dewey had a rough start in life. He was abandoned on a bitter cold January night in 1988 in the book return box of the public library in Spencer, Iowa. The kitten was quite frail with little frost-bitten paws when he was found, but he was cared for (and then adopted by) the librarians. Dewey Readmore Books (so named in a write-in contest in town) lived at the library for 19 years, where he was basically a goodwill ambassador and impacted the lives of many people.
The book is very engaging. However, about 2/3 of the way through I started to worry that the author (librarian Vicki Myron) had run out of material because she began describing the cat's constipation in much greater detail than I needed. However, she got her literary second wind and the book finished strongly.
I was happy to learn that the book will be made into a movie, and Vicki Myron will be played by (drum roll please.......) Meryl Streep. Should be good!
In any event, this book inspired me, and I am now thinking of writing a book about Marble. (I may lengthen his name to Marble Spraysmore Chairs.) And I can picture the cover now...

(Marble knows I'm only jokin'.)
hee hee.....
Oh, I'm twitching with sympathetic pain just thinking of frost-bitten paws. I'm glad the cat had a good life.
A book about Marble would HAVE to include a chapter on Dive Bombing Birds.
I like Marble's book better. I bet there'd be a better chance for me to have the starring role!!! (Take THAT Meryl!!)
PG, YES! You get the lead (well, I guess Marble has the actual lead...but you get the human lead).
I'm one of those 6 (or 7) people. I. LOVE. MARBLE!
too funny! i now mocha java is seriously miffed at this "Marley & Me" hooopla... i'm seriously miffed they asked Jennifer Aniston to play my role...hee hee
can't see the book cover right now, but I'm telling you -- I want to read both books!
Happy new year.
I see it now!
So, who does your paintings for your header?
Very nice.
Love the Title!
PC, My blog headers are done by Julie at www.loneprairie.net.
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