Friday, October 9, 2009

umm... not a good look

I perused my "to do" list today, then got side tracked black dynamiting myself instead. (It's from a website to promote the movie Black Dynamite, a spoof of 70's "blaxpoitation" films. You upload your photo, then add stuff and it generates a name.) Here's my result:

You, too, can put off important tasks and get side tracked here:
Black Dynamite YoSelf


Lori said...

Though, the earrings are fab!

dust bunny said...

The hair---wow...uh....hmmmmm.

Rev SS said...

yes, the earrings are so you -:)

Jennifer said...


David B. said...

Wooow, I should show this picture to my race and ethnicity class :)

Barbara B. said...

maybe not, david :)

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

uhm the hair would not bode well for hiking... i'm afraid small animals would nest there...

David B. said...

If you insist ;)

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I don't know. I kinda dig it.

Diane M. Roth said...

especially the glasses.

Jan said...

You continually amaze me!