Thursday, January 14, 2010


Mike gets up before I do every morning, so he usually has a chance to see the tv news and/or look at the newspaper while I'm still sleeping. He has this cute(?) little habit of greeting me with the bad news of the day. (e.g. So-and-so prominent person has died, there was a natural catastrophe here or there, the stock market has tanked, etc.)

This morning he brought the folded newspaper upstairs, and I was expecting a doozy of a bad news story. (Of course we were already aware of the heart-breaking story in Haiti.) But instead of bad news, he showed me THIS:

WHAT?! My two FAVORITE performers of all time will be in the area?! TOGETHER?! (A giant "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and happy dance ensued.) He got right on it, and I am happy to report we (i.e. the whole fam) will be seeing them in May in Seattle.


(Sorry, I really can't help myself.)


Terri said...

dang, that is just awesome! and I am so jealous....

Lorette said...

I am indeed jealous. We're out of town that week, or I'd be there with you.

dust bunny said...

That is going to be one GREAT concert!!

David B. said...

This concert is going to be outrageous! ;)

Lori said...

I wanna go too!!!!

Rev SS said...

*tee hee* ... I'm happy for you!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Oh wow. So envious.