For this Friday Five let's ponder the various ways we work out (or not), physically, spiritually, and/or psychologically.
1. Do you work out physically, spiritually, or psychologically? (I'll let you define what that might mean to you)
I don't think any of my activities would be strenuous enough to use the term "work out". :)
2. Are you more inclined to join a gym, or a book club?
I would be more inclined to join a book group -- actually I would love to find a good book group to join! I'm less inclined to join a gym because I prefer getting my exercise in the great outdoors.
(That's me in Colorado with Christina & David.)
3. Are you more inclined to read self-help books like Gail Sheehy's "Passages" or spiritual books like Richard Rohr or Theresa of Avila? And if so, what is your favorite?
Hmm... I don't really read self-help books (maybe I should!) -- I'd be more likely to read spiritual books. (Actually I read Black Elk Speaks some time ago and that was cool...)
4. Are you a loyal fan of a sports team? Or do you join the bandwagon when the local team is winning? And, if so, which one?
I enjoy baseball, and I root for both the Minnesota Twins (team of my childhood) and Seattle Mariners. When they play each other I don't care who wins!
5. Or do you lean more toward having a favorite theologian/Spiritual writer or self help author and if so, who? And, why.
In terms of theologian-type writers I like Marcus Borg and Kathleen Norris (although I haven't read anything lately by either of them).
Bonus: What was the last play-off series you watched and did your team win?
The only thing I can think of is Dancing with the Stars! And obviously that doesn't count, so no bonus points for me!
could we have a long-distance book club???
(Like the new layout)
go mariners and twins!
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