Tuesday, September 25, 2007

moved in and tuckered out

Hubby and I are back home from the college move-a-thon! We helped Offspring #1 move from her 'summer apartment' into her 'school year apartment', and helped Offspring #2 move into his dorm room. Everything went well and they are both settled into nice, comfy places. Our house sure seems awfully quiet now!

I've got a wee bit o' bloggin' to catch up on. *yawn* Maybe tomorrow.


Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

Weclome home

Jan said...

Glad the mission is accomplished. Rest and be well.

Lori said...

Such fun moving, isn't it?

Glad it went well.

Terri said...

Glad you are home and well. I hope you get some rest and enjoy your empty nest time...

Diane M. Roth said...

yes, it will seem quiet. whoop it up then!

Jennifer said...

Welcome home.
College begins later out west?
I took our FBC to college on August 17th....
and am counting the days until fall break!

Barbara B. said...

thanks everybody for the 'welcome homes' :)

Jiff, the colleges and universities around here all vary a bit, but this one starts on the late side! First day of classes was Wednesday!