Sunday, November 18, 2007

weekend update

OK, so this picture is a TOTAL exaggeration, but we did have some major car trouble this weekend. We drove up to Bellingham to see Offsprings #1 and #2. (Offspring #1 was in a play about the lead-up to the Iraq war called "Stuff Happens", and she turned in another fine performance!) While in Bellingham the transmission on our Honda Odyssey van decided to go kerflooey. (I believe that is the proper technical term.) We managed to get it into the Honda dealership there about an hour before closing on Friday, which was just enough time to learn some bad news and some good news. The bad news: the transmission needs to be replaced. The good news: Honda is going to pay 100%.

With our van needing to stay up in Bellingham for repairs, Hubby and I decided to take Amtrak home today. (In a couple of weeks, Offspring #2 has a jazz band concert so we'll get to do the van-train thing in reverse.) Anyway, I've been wanting to try Amtrak for some time, so that actually worked out great! I liked being able to read, get a snack, etc. I especially enjoyed the scenery from the train window...

OK, so this picture is also a TOTAL exaggeration (one might even say fabrication) because there weren't any orcas. Nope, not one. But Puget Sound was still pretty without them...


Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

OK, you totally had me on the scenery from the window. Orca whale watching is on my to-do list. I really like my Honda Odessey but it was in a flood during seminary and so I am now a CR-V owner. Glad Honda is covering the transmission.

Rev SS said...

Well dang, sorry about your car ... and about another missed opportunity to worship here in Edmonds with me ... it was an awesome worship ... children and youth choirs, accompanied by a few of our bells, adult choir anthem, "Shout Praise" was lively and engaged the congregation in clapping hands with them at one point ...and then, following another theologically sound and excellently delivered sermon, we invited congregation to bring pledge cards and put them in basket on the altar. So moving to watch some 200 people each service, joyfully process to commit their financial giving!

Lori said...

You totally had me there for a minute with the Orcas. But still. The train ride sounds like a wonderful break.

And it is all good news on your car because it will be like brand new and you did not pay for it!

Plus you have another train ride to look forward to.

Barbara B. said...

ah, glad I 'got' purple and presbygal at least for a minute! :)

mayb mayb not, sounds like quite the worship service! -- but amtrak was rolling right on through edmonds at that time...

marie said...

Van bursting into flame...sounds like home. Company paying for entire bill....not so much. You are one lucky Honda owner.

David B. said...

yes those orcas have been a real problem to the seal population

Barbara B. said...

LOL David!!!

Terri said...

Barb...what a trip! But, well, I knew there were no Orcas in Puget Sound, at least one hopes not!!! but go a little west....

sorry about the car, but glad for that you don't have to spring for the repair...I've never been so "lucky"....

Barbara B. said...

Actually, there really are orcas in Puget Sound! (Although they are endangered so their number is small). They spend about six months near the San Juan Islands and in the sound...

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

so after that wild ride, just in time for the long holiday weekend are you going to rent the old classic starring Jon Candy & Steve Martin - "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"?

Jan said...

I always love to hear about Bellingham, even if it is where your car broke down. I'm glad you go up there on visits, so I can imagine the locale.

Barbara B. said...

good idea, hot cup, that is a great movie! :)

Unknown said...

How can you have a trip without orcas?

You should get your money back.

RevDrKate said...

Sounds like it was a bit more trip than planned. Glad it all worked out ok in the end...the picture was wonderful anyway..can't wait to see who jumps out of the water on the return trip. :)

Barbara B. said...

good point, wyld!
and, hmm...revdrkate, I will have to post another picture when I do the return trip! :)

Diane M. Roth said...

sorry about the car... great post, though. I liked the orcas...

Presby gal knows how to think the best of every situation...

which is a gift.
happy train ride!