It's time for the Friday Five! Sally over at RevGalBlogPals writes: With this Sunday's gospel reading in mind, that wonderful revelation of Christ to the companions on the Emmaus road, I wonder where you might have been surprised by God's revelation recently. So with no further waffle I offer you this weeks Friday 5:
How has God revealed him/herself to you in a:
First let me say that "revealed" might be a big word. For me it would be more like hints or glimmers... Having said that, here goes:
1. Book
I recently read the autobiography Time Traveler: A Scientist's Personal Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality by Ronald Mallett. Mallet's life goal was to build a time machine so that he could see his beloved father again (who died when the author was, I think, eleven). He shares his struggles with racism and depression as he became a physicist, and he describes his research into black holes and circulating lasers -- which he believe drag time into a closed loop suitable for time travel. I think God is in Mallett's journey and definitely in the science.
I'll have to go with the last two films I've seen (which were recommended by Offspring #2): Cinema Paradiso and Kite Runner. I think you can catch glimmers of God in the complex relationships between the characters.
3. Song
I love songs about roads, rivers, and traveling -- obviously a theological undertone there. Just last night I added a "blog tunes" box. It's only got one song so far, "Travelin Thru". It's a great tune, written by Dolly Parton and performed by a contestant on American Idol. (OK, I'm sort of embarrassed to like Dolly Parton and American Idol, but there you have it.) Click to listen!
4. Another person
Perhaps a recent example would be an elderly patient of mine. I think I've seen him for the past 15 years or so, and he's in his 90's now. At our last visit he said, "I'm not afraid to die. I look at it like being in a theater watching a movie that is nearing the end. I'm satisfied because it's been a good movie."
5. Creation
Ah, this is why I love the Empty Nest Hiking Club -- "connecting" with the ocean, mountains, forests, etc.
Bonus answer: your choice- share something encouraging/ amazing/ humbling that has happened to you recently!
Hmm... our recent trip to NYC was amazing (see earlier blog post)!
don't be embarrassed to say you like Dolly Parton! Ever since I heard her sing on a live album two hymns a capella and totally in pinch, I have a newfound respect for her. She is actually an incredible musician.
I like your number 1, too. Sounds like a neat book.
Love # 5, I need to find something like that!
That's right, what Diane said. Dolly Parton is a highly respected, remarkably talented and gifted musician, singer-songwriter, who I believe is also guided by the HS.
And that book sounds wonderful. Gotta get me a copy.
look at you with the new look! and Dolly... she's a classic. i think it's the bluegrass roots that convey so much of the faith stuff for her...
like a good movie coming to an end... what a sweet man.
Thanks for your visit to mine, and great play indeed. Even if I find Dolly Parton a little hard to relate to.
Great #4! Sweet--like hot cup said.
What Sally said! And I liked the song, and I like Dolly P. and I watch American Idol. :-)
Thanks. I liked the music from 9-5, and the movie too!
I liked that movie too -- I should watch it again!
We own 9-5 at home, we bought it last summer :)
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