Monday, June 8, 2009

postcard poetry (or... why I like Ted)

This postcard was written in Manhattan, Montana in 1975 and features a photo of the Gallatin River. I was attending college in Montana during that time, and I know I was on this stretch of road myself then.

Here's the back:

Dear Friends: We had a nice flight and Dad has been getting stronger each stormy day. He insists on sweeping the daily snow. Ann is seeing lots of classmates and old boy FRIENDS. We saw where the three rivers combine to form the Missouri. Ann and (I) have found a Bowling Alley so we get by. The weather has been like Nebr. (in) January.
Fust it rained, then it snew.
then it Friz, and then it blew.
Much LOVE, Ann & Ted

Here are the top 3 reasons I like Ted:
1. He gives his partner a playful poke about running into old boyfriends. (Of course, it's possible Ted and Ann are brother and sister, but the playful poke is still good.)
2. He is happy with the simple things -- seeing the rivers that form the Missouri and bowling.
3. He is an awesome poet. (Hey, his poem even rhymes.)


dust bunny said...

Love the postcard.

Lori said...

I thought it said "Dad is getting stranger every day..."

But then, I would read it that way.

I like Ted too.

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

These are so much fun.

Terri said...

Another great postcard!

Barbara B. said...

pg, I like your reading of it better :)

Jennifer said...

it's time for me to catch up on your postcards. How fun!
irrelevant comment and hijack: I love love love love my contacts.
I can't begin to say how much I love them. I've never worn contacts before, and although it has taken me two weeks of swearing, I can now insert them with ease. my doc says i'm the poster child for multifocal contact lenses. I thought you would appreciate this testimonial.

Barbara B. said...

Yay Jennifer!
Glad you are doing well with your multifocal cl's! Those can be tricky! :)

Rev SS said...

Ted is a great poet, indeed :)