Tuesday, March 10, 2009

purported photo of Lincoln found

According to the Associated Press, a collector of photography from New York claims to have identified a rare photo of President Lincoln standing in front of the White House (what was then known as the Executive Mansion) in 1865. (Short article here.) The figure in the photo is tall and bearded, and the curator of the National Portrait Gallery's photographs department says he is "very satisfied that it's Lincoln":

Interestingly, if you zoom into one the windows another face appears.

After careful inspection, I'm "very satisfied that it's Presbyterian Gal". Or of course much more likely, an ancestor of PG.


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

That PG gets around.

Processing Counselor said...

Must be an ancestor!

Lori said...

Nope, not an ancestor, that's yours truly! That scamp, Abe, was an old school friend of mine. I introduced him to Mary! We used to rollerskate up and down the halls of the White House and knocked down Secret Service as our "bowling pins." Can't believe the paparazzi caught me in an old picture!

Barbara B. said...

You know how to have fun, PG :)