Sunday, April 13, 2008

a tail of two kitties...

The Hub and I might be starting to show signs of cracking with this empty nest thing... This weekend we were perusing the list of available movies on cable and just couldn't settle on one. So we had the bright idea of letting the cat pick it. Marble chose (perhaps not surprisingly) Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties, a film based on Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper.

When asked, Marble had this to say:

Marble is being disingenuous. He really did perk up at the big lasagna makin' and eatin' scene. (Marble appreciates well made lasagna.) Plus later, on the back porch, we overheard him passionately discussing with Simon (the neighbor cat) the inherent injustice of class distinctions as portrayed in the film.

So yeah, I think he liked it more than he's letting on.

You can create your own Garfield cartoon here.


Lori said...

As empty nested adults with no child present you watched Garfield??????

*wipes tears*

I am proud to know you.

Diane M. Roth said...

great movie watching AND great blogging. You can send me to the "garfield" site but you can't make me figure out how to do it.

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

hmmm from snakes to cats... it's some wild kingdom you've got goin'! and what about odie? was odie in the film???

Jan said...

Cute. But like Diane, I have no idea how to do that!

Barbara B. said...

PG, Wow, didn't think the word would be "proud" :)

hot cup, yep, odie was there helping represent the pooches

diane & jan, it's pretty easy if you just play around with it!

dust bunny said...

Marble----multi-talented movie critic! :)

Rev SS said...

you are so funny ... I'm with Diane and Jan .. you can send me to the site, but you can't make me think it's pretty easy, or want to do it -:)