Whether it's new friends or new loves or new employers, what are five things people should know about you?
Ummm.... how about...
1. I like driving in the snow. (Oh, you might not think this is important, but let's see how you feel when it's a snowstorm and you need to get somewhere.)

2. I have been told I sometimes snore. However, I am in denial about this.

3. I don't like clutter, but it nevertheless seems to surround me. De-junking my house is an ongoing mission.

4. I am fiercely loyal to my family and friends. (Roar!)

5. While I am a good planner, I also like to do things (e.g. outings or short trips) at the spur of the moment -- which often drives others crazy.

googled alllllll those pics
I testify that you don't snore!
I love this lion!!!
Advice for the declutterer: get my daughter Sisterfilms to help you, then move 1500 miles without professional movers. It worked!
Great play and I especially liked the picture for the clutter.
I like your illustrated comments!
fabulous play! i especially enjoyed your illustrations!
be proud of your snoring! snorers unite!
I can testify to the "spur of the moment" fun. You definitely keep life exciting!
Just love those pictures! Great play.
It takes alot, and I mean alot, for my loyalty lion to be lured away. Great play.
p.s. I am told I snore also.
barb... the lionness who declutters and then licks her paws in victory... i can see it now.
Fun play...love the pictures!
barb the lioness, hee hee HC....I like driving in snow IF I am in a vehicle that can manage it....but for a short while I had a very small GEO Metro, which lost it's ability to heat the car and defrost the windows....driving that in a snowstorm was quite the challenge....
*tee hee* great image HC. As for me, I prefer walking in snow IF we must have snow. And, I'm uniting with those who snore ... proud to be in such good company!
Great pictures, especially about snoring, which could apply to anyone in our house!
Thanks everybody :)
Yeah, I like driving in the snow too as long as I don't have someone really nervous in the car. I do drive a Jeep for that reason.
Sister Snorer! I agree we should unite
We have 2, 3, and 4 in common. Not so much 1 and 5.
I'm awestruck by your snow bravery,unphazed by the reports of your snoring, fully empathic about being a clutter magnet, also fiercely loyal, and pretty much in-betwen being a planner/friend of spontaniety (sic).
If you do not hear it, then you do not snore. This is what I tell everyone.
And clutter plagues me as well. I suspect either demons or poltergeists. And when I catch them........
You have quite the knack for pictures, young lady!
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