Once upon a time I was involved with trying to help a mainstream church become more relevant. (Rev SS can vouch for me!)
Long story short, that didn't work too well for me. So now I am dechurched and have 15 (count 'em, 15!) books for which I would like to find new homes.
If any of you revgals want any or all of these books, let me know and I will mail them to you for FREE! (Granted I will send them cheap book rate.) Just leave me a comment -- then we'll e-mail and I'll get your address that way. First come; first served.
If there is no interest, I'll take them to Powell's Books and trade 'em in. They are all in good shape.
Here are the titles (you can read more about them on amazon.)
1. Reimagining Spiritual Formation: A Week in the Life of an Experimental Church by Doug Pagitt and the Solomon's Porch Community
2. Culture Shift: Transforming Your Church from the Inside Out by Robert Lewis and Wayne Cordeiro
3. Revolution: Finding Vibrant Faith Beyond the Wall of the Sanctuary by George Barna
4. Carpe Manana: Is Your Church Ready to Seize Tomorrow? by Leonard Sweet
5. Emerging Worship: Creating Worship Gatherings for New Generations by Dan Kimball
6. The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church by Reggie McNeal
7. An Unstoppable Force: Daring to Become the Church God Had in Mind by Erwin Raphael McManus
8. The Gospel Unplugged by Rich Wagner
9. The Relevant Church: A New Vision for Communities of Faith edited by Jennifer Ashley
10. More Ready Than You Realize: Evangelism as Dance in the Postmodern Matrix by Brian D. McLaren
11. The Church on the Other Side by Brian D. McLaren
Now I'm on the other side of the church... Oh, the irony!
12. A New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey by Brian D. McLaren
13. a.k.a. "Lost": Discovering Ways to Connect with the People Jesus Misses Most by Jim Henderson
14. The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21st-Century Church by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch
15. Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture by Michael Frost
Wow! You were really into it for awhile. I'd like to hear the story some time.
*pats rock bench* You come sit here and share my pew and we'll make our own church right here. I've got spiked cocoa!
Hey there Barb:
If there are no other takers, I'd be glad to take them off your hands for our lending library; have some folks that would be interested except for the price. (And the fact that too often folks "check them out" and forget to bring back! But I'm learning how to hunt those folks down like dogs!)
well PG and Barb... i'm sensing a growing trend in soo very many ways... even in my own heart some days. augh. ickkity. ick augh augh.
Rodger, OK, cool! I'll send them all your way. (I'll e-mail you later for address.)
PC, yep, we gave it a good try.
PG, spiked cocoa -- yesss!
hot cup, hope your retreat is going well...
It's generous of you to send the books off to someone who'll use them.
Late getting here ... but yes, I vouch for a lot of good hard work ... and I still wish we could team up in a place where your knowledge and gifts could bring you the benefits of the joys from fruits of your labors.
Meantime, glad you're getting the books Rodger!
you have an award at my blog...
oh...and I may be joining you in the dechurched arena soon....I kinda relish the idea of Sunday mornings off, if it comes to that...
ruth, I'm glad to have found them a good home!
rev ss, thanks :)
mompriest, I will check out the award! (And, yikes! on your second note)
what a great list of books? are you sure you don't want to move to Minnesota and join our effort?
I know it's cold here...
Diane, I'll admit Minnesota is a pretty nice place (even though it can get a bit chilly)!
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