...but I had never heard of the term "Generation Jones" until I read this recent article in USA Today. (Well, I think I might have heard the term somewhere in passing, but didn't really pay any attention to it.)
As it turns out, these are my peeps!!! Generation Jones refers to the group of people born between 1954 and 1965. I was born in '56. (And, since he was born in 1961, our new president is part of GenJones too.)
According to the LA Times:
Members of Generation Jones…were too young to really experience the tumult of the 1960s, though some of them were around to see it…Obama's peers were defined by Watergate, stagflation, gas lines and 20% interest rates… Their cultural touchstones were groups like the Carpenters and Steely Dan (on cassette or eight-track tapes, of course)… in Hawaii, young Barry Obama was tuning into "Soul Train"… They tend to be…more pragmatic and a lot less likely to get bogged down by the shibboleths of the 1960s, according to historians, marketers and pollsters.
This makes sense to me -- I always knew I was on the late side of the Boomers. (And I gotta say I'm one of those people who actually like the Carpenters -- although it is always a bit embarrassing to admit it...)
Now you can say you're Jonseing!
I'm a GenJoneser, too!
dang...missed it by one year.
Dust Bunny! You and I can sit together, drooling, on the rocking chairs throwing spit balls at these young hooligans and their evil rock 'n roll!
oh my... i'm a genXer myself..... apparently dodging spitballs from you and PG!
born in '57, I'm a GenJones too...although I have never heard the term....
Me too. Although it feel a little odd at the age of 50 to be suddenly assigned a new generation.
I'm in.
I'm in too! (not by birth date, but by 'tude!)
I'm in..and now that I've found myself "talkin' bout my generation"..makes so much sense!!
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