My good blog-friend mompriest included me in her list of friendship awards. Thanks, mompriest!
Here's the 'fine print':
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
So now I will pass the award along to these nice blog-buddies. (I know some of you have already received it, but that's ok. Enjoy it a second time!)
Processing Counselor
Presbyterian Gal (I included Presbygal just as predicted by Rev SS.)
Hot Cup
I was going to include Dust Bunny, but she pulled the plug on her blog.

(Wow, you can find a picture for ANYTHING on google!) Anyway, let's hope Dust Bunny will revive her blog some time.
waaaaa, boo hoo ... you got the award twice ... and gave it to some a second time ... but not me ):
But, but, but... I included your name!!!!!
However... Let it be known to all blog readers, REV SS DESERVES THE FRIENDSHIP AWARD MANY TIMES OVER!
Thank Kwew! So sorry about the bunny.
ahhh, dust bunny....boo hoo...I gave the award to RevSS...maybe she hasn't realized that I did...anyway - yay you! glad to know you, my friend.
oh dust bunny.... yes i passed the valentine on to SS as well before i read her comment here.
okay more coffee needed...
It's just a frenzy of friendship...and no one would ever intentionally overlook Serena. She is the coolest!
Thank you THIS MUCH! for this award. It is my favorite of any awards because it is about being a friend. Which is one of the highest callings and treasures that there is.
And Dust Bunny!!! NOOOO! Make 'er come back. I will miss that little cotton tail.
So glad you got the award--you so deserve it, as do your awardees. But what happened to Dust Bunny?? Do you know how to get in touch with her? I'd like to know. (Great picture)
Thank you for the award. I'm very touched. I'll post it tomorrow.
Feel the love, Rev SS!!!
Re: the bunny...
Dust Bunny told me that while she's not posting, she will still be visiting blogs and leaving comments.
What Barb said.....yep...I'll still be around with the occasional "huh?" when topics get too deep. :)
Gee thanks y'all .. I appreciate all the extra kindness (and can really use it today after two very rough days)
I gave it to you, too... but there are so many deserving blogs out there.
I'm sorry about the bunny, too.
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