That's right! I went to a UFO festival in McMinnville, Oregon this weekend! Hubby has been interested in the topic of UFO's for years, and this was the third year he attended. I generally prefer to just make fun of him, but this year I went along.
The festival (billed as an educational experience for both believers and skeptics) features speakers connected with "ufology" and a costume parade down the main street of the city.
I actually had a fun time! (As you can see, Garbage Puff also attended the festival and was interested in perusing some of the literature.) I maintain a healthy skepticism, but agree we are most likely not alone in the universe.
bzoo*mt ei zaaoerw xpye ibk vzbhhet pw hucwithw'gh! (translation: It's about time you joined the Out Crowd!)
Yes. I believe they walk among us. And skitter, slither and crawl.
dust bunny, I'm not exactly sure what the Out Crowd is... :) but actually I've pretty much always thought we are not alone in the universe -- just doing the math! Of course I think a healthy skepticism is needed when listening to reports of UFO's in order to help separate the wheat from the chaff!
Maybe Dust Bunny has been hanging around with Anne Heche :)
I like Dad's t-shirt!
Hmm... you are right, that did sound like Anne Heche's secret language from the fourth dimension! :)
(What say you, Dust Bunny?)
I'm quite taken with the word ufology.
Garbage Puff looks like he had a great time. Maybe he saw some distant kin.
Haha, Ruth -- yes, Garbage Puff fit in very nicely there!
Oh, dear...I fear I may have created an embarrassing inter-galactic incident. Forgive me---my Alien/English translating skills are similar to my typeng skils. I SHOULD have said:
"bzoo*mt ei zaaoerw xpye IBK-NVW~PYTZ pw hucwithw'gh!".....
"It's about time you joined the Outer Limits Crowd!"
Anne Heche isn't an alien (or even a gender-bending alien)...she's just crazy.
And, as was mentioned more than once in CONTACT....If it's just us, that's an awful waste of space.
ufology = great word! other beings in God's infinite cosmos ... of course! Some ahead of us technologically, and able to get to us before we get to them ... I'm thinkin' that's highly probable. Sounds like a fun event ... glad gp got to go too.
Gosh...GP shows up in the most unusual places.
my goodness! i think GP probably has been onto life in the other places of the universe for quite some time... i'm glad he gave up wearing tin foil on his head... it did nothing for his image!
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