Alrighty! Here are my 5 types of friends:
1. Friends who also happen to be family. Over the years this has included my grandmother, my mother, my cousin, and -- in a delightful bonus -- Offsprings #1&2. Of course I am also including Hubby in this category. We met in optometry school over 30 years ago and have been partners (including at work!) ever since. Here's a photo of my family from a 2006 vacation:

2. "Through thick and thin friends". This category is small in number but very big in importance. These are the friends who have been with me through whatever tough stuff life has thrown my way.
3. School and/or Work Friends. These friendships, although more superficial than those in category 2, have added richly to the tapestry of my life (sorry, the Carole King song was running through my mind as I was typing).
4. Animal friends. Ahhh, it all started with Katze, my cat of childhood. Animals make great friends! Here's my "newest" animal friend, Mr. Tumnus (Offspring #2's amazingly cute cat):

5. Cyberfriends. This is, of course, a relatively new category! There are a couple of old school friends (from elementary and high school) I've reconnected with via facebook, and some new friends I've made with blogging.
Mr. Tumnus is indeed adorable!
Thank you for your kind comment. It lightens the day to have support from all over.
Mr. T looks so much like my sweet man-cat who died a few years ago...sigh..
love the family photo!
Yes...yes...yes...animal friends. I too have friends that are at different levels of "deepness".
just look at those eyes on Mr. Tumnus... who wouldn't want to be friends with him??? uhm... maybe mochajava... unless Tumnus would love being chased... then they'd be best buds.
Hot Cup, Mr. Tumnus is pretty cool and definitely has the "let's be friends!" attitude, so I bet he WOULD enjoy being chased by mochajava! (As long as he could chase him back!)
I love your funny family picture. My family is too introverted to do all those funny things, but maybe not. It's a thought for this summer's vacation to WA State! (Bellingham!!)
You had me at Mr. Tumnus, as ever.
Great family first I thought Hubby and Offspring (daughter) were Gilligan and The Movie Star...but then realized you were at Alcatraz...maybe I'm mixing up my sitcom/movie themes...
no the closeness and fun you have as a family! How Rare!
I love your categories.
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