I usually consider the expression "Prepare to meet thy God" as a warning of impending doom.
But the bike ride turned out just fine. The route wound around a semi-rural area, and I visited with some nice horses...

...and a very friendly cow I've named Norman (as a tip o' the hat to the movie City Slickers):

There is a certain resemblance:

I've walked by that sign a few times.....shudder....always seems like a threat--"Just wait until your father gets home!"
Love the cows and horses. :)
I've always found the "Thy" God bit curious. As in, "my God can beat up thy God."
Is the sign suggesting there is more than one? And how does the sign writer presume to know that one is NOT prepared to meet him.
As to the cow. Now that is definitely Norman.
pg Thou hast good points, and raiseth good questions.
Good movie and cute cow! Good picture of Norman too!
I've wondered where Norman was these days...
I am always suspicious of those boards proclaiming a message about or from God....
Although I once posted such a message on the board at my old church, which was on the corner of a very busy intersection. It went something like this:
"Keep grumbling and I'll make the red light longer." - GOD....
mompriest, that one I like though! :)
That sign would give me pause.
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